Press release

British NICE Institute: Positive assessment of the Humedics LiMAx® test

 Medtech Innovation Briefing (MIB) published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
 Point-of-care measurement of the non-invasive breath test emphasised as especially innovative
 Possible cost savings to the UK National Health System are addressed

Berlin, April 1, 2019 – The British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published a Medtech Innovation Briefing on the LiMAx® test. In particular, the briefing emphasises the innovative diagnostic capabilities of this novel breath test technology. The Liver Maximum Capacity (LiMAx®) test enables physicians noninvasively to quantify liver function. The results help provide more accurate diagnoses and thereby improve clinical care of patients.
“We are proud that NICE has confirmed our assessment of the LiMAx® test. The independent expert assessment has shown that this diagnostic innovation can help patients and physicians alike,” adds Humedics GmbH CEO Karsten Damgaard-Iversen on the publication of the Medtech Innovation Briefing.
NICE was founded in 1999 to serve as a special health authority to reduce variation in the availability and quality of NHS treatments and care. The institute assesses clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of health technology to ensure fair access for all NHS patients to the treatment they need.
PR-364-00 Press Release NICE Announcement
Medtech Innovation Briefings add to existing NICE guidelines by providing objective information on new and novel medical technology. The information covers a description of the technology as well as its use and potential role in patient treatment.
Many diseases, such as malignant liver tumours, require liver resection – that is, partial removal of the organ. However, this method entails the risk of postoperative liver failure. Consequently, an accurate postoperative prognosis is very important. The LiMAx® test helps doctors improve the medical severity assessment in acute and chronic liver diseases, as well as predicting the postoperative liver function and the risk of liver failure. The NICE Medtech Innovation Briefing also gives this a positive assessment. Owing to decreased post-operative complications and shorter hospital stays the LiMAx® test also holds potential for cost savings, according to the British experts.
According to Karsten Damgaard-Iversen, the technology saves valuable time and resources and enables improved standards of care: “Whether it’s a vital liver transplantation or a conservative treatment, we now have a quick and easy to apply diagnostic tool that allows physicians to offer treatment strategies adapted to the particular disease stage of the individual patient.”
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About Humedics

Based in Berlin, Germany, Humedics GmbH is specialised in rapid and accurate liver function measurement using the LiMAx® test, an innovative technology for analysing exhaled air. The LiMAx® test provides physicians with a method for quantitatively assessing an individual patient’s liver function capacity within minutes. This enables physicians to select treatment strategies and follow disease progression based on up-to-date knowledge of the functional health of the liver.
Current applications, which have already been published in prestigious medical journals, include liver function diagnosis before and after liver transplantation, surgical planning for liver surgery (such as assessing how much liver tissue can be removed without increasing the risk of acute liver failure), and assessment of liver diseases such as fibrosis and cirrhosis.
At present, more than 20 studies regarding new diagnostic indications are being conducted. These include diagnosing and staging of chronic liver diseases such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), as well as selecting, monitoring and managing different oncology treatment options. These studies, initiated by researchers, have already provided evidence of further potential for the LiMAx® tests.
The LiMAx® test is in routine clinical use at more than 30 leading university hospitals in Europe. So far, more than 20,000 LiMAx® tests have been performed. The LiMAx® test is commercially available in Germany, Austria and the UK.


Humedics GmbH
Bundesallee 23
10717 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 6293 955 0